Micro Controller Boot Camp
A microcontroller contains one or more CPUs (processor cores), as well as memory and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of ferroelectric RAM, NOR is flash, or OTP ROM is also usually included on the chip, along with a small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications and are different from microprocessors used in personal computers or other general-purpose applications consisting of various discrete chips.
Online and Onsite Micro Controller training
Online and physical, instructor-led live Micro Controller training classes teach how to set up and program microcontrollers for use in controlling real-world devices such as lights, motors, and motion detection sensors through hands-on experience. Microcontrollers can also be used to build full server systems for specific purposes like printing and web hosting.
Online live training and onsite live training are also options for microcontroller training. Online live training (sometimes known as “remote live training”) is delivered via an interactive, remote desktop. Live Microcontroller training in Lahore can be delivered on-site at the customer’s location or at the BES training Institute.
Microcontroller boot camp training is used in automatically controlled products and devices such as automotive engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, toys, and other embedded systems. By reducing size and cost, microcontrollers enable more devices and processes to be controlled economically and digitally than designs using separate microcontroller boot camp pieces of training, memories, and input/output devices. Mixed-signal microcontrollers that integrate the analog components required to control non-digital electronic systems are common. In the context of the Internet of Things, microcontrollers are an economical and popular means of collecting data, sensing, and controlling peripheral devices in the physical world.
- Micro-Controller
- Introduction
- Applications
- Operation Requirements
- Intro Pic Micro-Controller
- Company
- Predecessors
- Structure
- PIC16F877A
- Features
- Structure
- Peripherals
- Clock Configuration
- Crystal
- Debugger
- MPLAB IDE Software
- Installing
- Features
- How to use
- Programming/Burning code
- Debugging
- General Purpose Input Output
- Handling
- Controlling
- Practical Examples
- Led Blinky
- 7-Segment
- Traffic signal with inputs
- Timers
- Configure
- Usage
- Practical examples
- Generate seconds & indicate through LED
- Making of clock using 7 segment
- Counters
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Analogue to Digital Convertor
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Distance finding using IR proximity sensor
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Definition
- Applications
- Configure
- Introduction to H-Bridge
- Practical examples
- LED Blinking
- Dc Motor controlling using L293D Motor Driver
- Intro to Saleae Logic Analyzer
- Logic Software
- Timing Example for Saleae Logic
- Capture/Compare
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Frequency reading
- Serial Communication
- Introduction
- Types / Modes
- TTL Logic
- Common Terminologies
- Introduction
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Transmission / Reception of data to terminal
- Intro & Application of Virtual Terminal
- TTL to USB convertor
- Inter Integrated Circuit I2C
- Introduction
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- I2C based sensor implementation
- LCD Interfacing
- Requirements
- I2C communication
- Interrupts
- Introduction
- Usage
- Serial Peripheral Interface SPI
- Introduction
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- SPI based EEPROM implementation
- Internal Memory
- Intro to STM32 controllers
- Company
- Structure
- STM32 F103 (blue Pill)
- Features
- Internal Structure
- Layout explanation
- Peripherals
- Debugger
- Cube IDE Software
- Installing
- Features
- How to use
- Intro to HAL drivers
- General Purpose Input Output
- Handling
- Controlling
- Practical Examples
- Testing with Saleae Logic for Timing
- LED blinking
- Timers
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Sonar Sensor Interfacing
- Analogue to Digital Convertor
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Interfacing LDR with ADC
- ADC controlled PWM using LDR and LED
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- LED brightness controlling
- Servo Motor Controlling
- Introduction
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Transmission / Reception of data to terminal using CH340
- Capture
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Water Flow sensor interfacing
- Inter Integrated Circuit I2C
- Introduction
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- I2C based sensor MPU-6050 implementation
- LCD interfacing
- STM32 F407 (Discovery Board)
- Features
- Internal Structure
- Layout explanation
- Peripherals
- Real Time Clock
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Reading Clock time and Date
- Introduction
- Frame structure
- Communication Physical Layers: RS-485
- Practical Examples
- Controlling VFD vis MODBUS communication
- Encoder
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical Example
- KY-040 Encoder Interfacing
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Robotic Manipulator Controlling
- Digital to Analogue Convertor
- Intro
- Configure
- Usage
- Practical Examples
- Voltage values output
- Direct Memory Access
- Intro
- Difference with Interrupts
- Usage
- Practical Examples
- Sine wave Generation
- Watchdog Timer
- Intro
- Types
- Usage
- Examples
- Watch dog using push button
- Watch dog using delay function
- Can Bus
- Intro
- Structure
- Physical Layer
- Bit Artibration
- Filters
- Examples
- Communication with other STM
- Universal Serial Bus (USB)
- Intro
- Structure
- Examples
- Transmission of data to PC using USB
- Esp- Controller
- Intro
- Layout
- Espressif IDE
- Installing
- How to use
- Programming/Burning code
- Debugging
- General Purpose Input Output
- Handling
- Controlling
- Practical Examples
- Led Blinky
- Timers
- Configure
- Usage
- Practical examples
- Generate seconds & indicate through LED
- DHT-11 Sensor Interfacing
- Introduction
- Configure
- Handle
- Practical examples
- Bluetooth Interfacing
- Inter of things (ioT)
- Intro to iOT
- GHz & sub-GHz RF Communication
- Intro to WiFi
- Practical Examples
- Controlling devices through Wifi
C Programming
- Data Types
- Mathematical operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise operation
- Arrays
- Functions
- Structures
- Pull up/ pull down – Floating point
- H-Bridge
- Voltage Dividers
- Registers – Flip Flops
- Regulators
- Noise & noise reduction

Micro Controller Boot Camp
- Rs 50,000/-
- Course Duration 3 Months
- Online Session
- On Campus Lecture + Practical
- Video Lecture Available
- Urdu & English
- 24/7 Support
- Fee: 50,000
- Duration: 3 Months
- Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM